Vinicius Ayrão Franco

Job Title
Technical Director
Sinergia Consultoria e Serviçios Tecnicos LTDA

Electrical Engineer, specialist in Photovoltaic Solar Energy Projects in MMGD and self-production. He has developed more than 500MW of projects for Parecer de Acesso in 24 concessionaires across the country. He actively participated in the ABNT commission that developed NBR 16690. He has been a speaker at the main events in the solar energy sector and a course instructor in the area of solar energy electrical installations, having trained more than 600 technical and engineering professionals. He is currently President of Abracopel, a board member of ABGD and Technical Director of Sindistal-RJ.

August 29, 2024Viability Analysis for Setting up a Solar PV Plant in an Industry in the ACL (Free Contracting Environment)

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